GAT (Graduate Assessment Test): Faster, Easier & Better Preparation at Home

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Complete GAT test preparation

GAT General preparation

Prepare GAT Test by Online Video Lectures, MCQs, Notes, Past Exams

TopGrade.Pk is an online academy offering preparation for GAT Test. This is the first Pakistan's platform that provides excellent online material for entry tests preparation, and its expert and trained teachers provide 24/7 online guidance and instructions. TopGrade.Pk has a colossal practice question bank, videos, lectures, online assessment, and full-length tests. TopGrade.Pk provides all these facilities at relatively lower rates than other academies and online sites.

1. What is GAT?

Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) is an MPhil admission entry test and Higher Education Commission Scholarship Scheme. National Testing Service conducts the GAT.

2. Why is it important to take the GAT test?

Most of the Universities of Pakistan accept the GAT test for MPhil admission. And to secure admission in an MPhil degree, it is important to take the GAT test and gain desired marks.

3. Who is eligible to take GAT test?

Students who have completed their sixteen years of education are eligible to take the GAT test. Students who have already taken the GAT test and wish to improve their grades can also apply.

4. How do I register to take the GAT test? When will the GAT test be held for the 2025 session?

To register for the GAT test, click the link and follow the guidelines.

Registration Link

There are four series of GAT tests.

I. GAT 1 Test:

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-1 is 4th Jan 2021. The test will be held on 17th Jan 2021.

II. GAT 2 Test:

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-2 is 1st Mar 2021. The test will be held on 14th Jan 2021.

III. GAT 3 Test

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-3 is 3rd May 2021. The test will be held on 6th Jun 2021.

IV. GAT 4 Test

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-4 is 07 Jul 2021. The test will be held on 11 Jul 2021.

V. GAT 5 Test

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-5 is 15th Sep 2021. The test will be held on 19th Jan 2021.

VI. GAT 6 Test

The deadline for the online registration of GAT Series-6 is 17th Nov 2021. The test will be held on 21st Nov 2021.

5. What is the Format of the GAT General Test?

GAT Test contains three sections

  • I. Quantitative Ability
  • II. Verbal Ability - Analogies, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, and Reading Comprehension
  • III. Analytical Ability - Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning

Marks Distribution

  • There is no negative marking
  • Each question carries one mark
  • Total marks are 100
  • The acceptable score is 50. Each University has its own acceptable and qualifying score.
  • Score Validity

GAT test is valid for two years.

6. What Is the Syllabus of the GAT General Test

For each degree or subject, GAT has a different syllabus according to the test type. For example, for admission in MPhil Biology, you will have to take GAT Biology. You can get the complete syllabus for each kind of the GAT from below link

7. How Many Universities Consider GAT Test Results to Offer MPhil Admission?

There are approximately 36 Pakistani Universities that accept GAT to offer MPhil admission.

  • Bahria University, Islamabad
  • Balochistan University of information technology, and Management sciences, Quetta
  • COMSATS University (All Campuses)
  • Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi
  • Foundation University
  • GIFT University, Gujranwala
  • Government College University, Lahore
  • HITEC University Taxila
  • Institute of management science, Peshawar
  • Institute of southern Punjab, Multan
  • Institute of space technology, Islamabad
  • International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Kinnaird college for women, Lahore
  • Lahore Leads University
  • Lasbela university of agriculture, water and marine sciences, lasbela
  • Minhaj University, Lahore
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Lahore
  • National college of business administration and economics
  • National defense university, Islamabad
  • National university of computer and emerging sciences
  • Pir Mahar Ali Shah arid agriculture University, Rawalpindi
  • Qurtaba University of information and technology, Peshawar
  • Riphah international University, Islamabad
  • Sarhad University of science and information technology Peshawar
  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto university, Sheringal Dir
  • Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto university Medical University, Islamabad
  • Sindh Medrasatul Islam University, Karachi
  • The superior college, Lahore
  • University of Science and Technology, Bannu
  • University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • University of South Asia
  • University of Turbat, Turbat
  • University of Loralai, Loralai

8. Where will GAT General Test be Held?

GAT test held in following districts of Pakistan;

  • Federal
  • Punjab
  • Baluchistan
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Sindh
  • Azad Kashmir
  • Fata Fana
  • Northern Areas

Follow the link to get further information about the relevant cities.

9. What Is the Difficulty Level of the GAT Test?

You cannot pass any test without proper planning and guidance. GAT test is not that difficult, and if you prepare for the GAT properly, your chances of getting admission to higher rank Universities will be the highest. The expert and highly talented team of TopGrade.Pk provides online video lectures, notes, complete guidelines, and 24/7 online availability to ensure your success in the GAT test.

10. Why Do Students Fail in Getting Desired Marks in GAT?

Students only fail when they don't take the GAT test seriously and study smartly. Students do not have a good idea about the most important and least important syllabus of the GAT, and they start cramming from one side to the other side. TopGrade.Pk has invested hundreds of hours in planning the intelligent, customized study plan for the GAT Test.

> Not Having Own Study Plan and Relying on Teachers Completely

"SELF REALIZATION is the best teacher, SELF LEARNING is the best teaching, and SELF PRACTICING is the best motivation." Students fail only when they rely entirely on teachers' and others' help. At the same time, successful students devise their study schedules and start preparation with their teachers.

> Studying In Chronological Order Rather Than Priority Order

If you think you can get success in the GAT test by cramming pages 1 to the last page, you are wrong. GAT has specific topics, and you can only pass GAT if you study smartly. TopGrade.Pk has devised the whole syllabus of GAT and divided it based on most important, less important, and least important so that you can prepare in less time.

> Using Passive Study Strategies

When you don't develop interest, and your mind is not questioning during your study, you are studying passively. To learn actively, you have to be passionate and enthusiastic about your GAT Test. Create relevant questions and search for their answers.

> Not Analyzing and Improving Your Test-Taking Skills

Students don't fail due to confidence, but due to their over-confidence, they don't take the test repeatedly and check their mistakes. TopGrade.Pk provides a full-length simulation GAT test. Take the quiz, check your wrong answers, and try not to make the same mistakes again in the next test.

> Not Devising Ways of Fast Revision Along with Your Classes

The biggest mistake students often make is not to revise their syllabus. Students prepare their syllabus but do not devise any revision plans. As a result, they don't have enough time to even revise the entire syllabus once or twice at the end of the preparation. Revise your syllabus with TopGrade.Pk's revision routine to avoid any difficulty at the end of the preparation.

> Not Reviewing Information, You Already Know

The major reason of over-confident students is not to review information they already know. If you have a firm grip on specific details, you still need to check them because every time you read or search a topic, you will come to know different aspects of the topic and learn new things.

> Memorizing Rather Than Understanding

No student can pass GAT if he does not understand the topics. Cramming or memorizing will not going to help you in GAT. Only your concepts and understanding of a topic will help you pass GAT.

> Failing To Master Certain High-Yield Subjects or Topics Owing to Overconfidence

Some students think that they have secured the highest marks in their Bachelors and now they don't need to revise those subjects for the GAT and on the exam day they fail to attempt those questions because they did not give importance to those topics during their preparation.

> Studying Material That Is Rarely Tested on the GAT

Students don't know how to prioritize the GAT topics during the preparation, and as a result, they waste their time on the least essential topics and fail to give importance to the most important ones. Only those students prepare well who study smartly rather than cramming or memorizing the entire syllabus. TopGrade.Pk enables students to prioritize the topics.

11. How to Study for Scoring Higher in GAT?

GAT itself is not a difficult test, but your poor planning will make it difficult. Following are the guidelines to score higher marks in GAT.

> Focus More on Most Likely to Be Tested Topics

Always study smart, not hard. Create a list of most important, less important, and least important topics, and then start studying. Studying without proper planning will bring you a failure. TopGrade.Pk will help you pass your GAT, and its expert and dedicated teachers help you devise the topics according to their importance.

> High Importance

Create a list of high-importance topics and then start studying and understanding them. Prioritize these topics and start your preparation with the TopGrade.Pk.

> Medium Importance

Now after the high importance topics, enlist medium important topics. And start studying them with the TopGrade.Pk.   

> Low Importance

After enlisting 1st and 2nd highly important topics, the least important topics should be on 3rd priority.

12. Why Is Online GAT Preparation Better?

Online education is now replacing conventional modes of study. Online GAT preparation requires less time and a low fee as compared to the expensive academies and coachings.  TopGrade.Pk is an emerging online tests preparation platform that will help you prepare GAT effectively and more precisely.

> Ease of Access

In online GAT preparation at TopGrade.Pk, you'll need a laptop and a smooth internet connection. You do not need to wait hours for the teachers to come and deliver lectures. Online study is smooth and beneficial in the preparation of GAT.

> Time-Saving

Students waste their precious exam days traveling, getting prepared for the academy, and then waiting for the lecture in academies. Online TopGrade.Pk saves your time by delivering lectures on your laptop so that you need to sit in a calm place and listen to the lectures.

> More Effective Study

TopGrade.Pk provides more effective study as compared to the conventional academies because of TopGrade.Pk provides you with all lectures, notes, full-length papers 24/7, and you don't need to listen and watch the complete video. You have to pick a video of your interest and go to the specific part of the video.

13. Why Join for GAT Prep?

  • The # 1 Exam Prep App

TopGrade.Pk is the most fast-growing online GAT test preparation. TopGrade.Pk has won the trust of thousands of parents, students, and teachers through its dedication and planning. Its expert team is 24/7 available to deal with the issues of the students

  • Custom Course for You

TopGrade.Pk has prepared a customized study plan for the GAT preparation. This course includes particular subjects, topics, and courses relevant to the GAT.  TopGrade.Pk will provide you with and will cover all topics related to GAT.

  • Conceptual Video Lectures of FAST Entry Test

Video lectures are available that are complete and simple to know. We've nearly 450+ video lectures recorded through the handiest instructors who've many years of revel in coaching the NUST Entry Test.

  • Fast Revision Slides of FAST Entry Test

We provide you with quick Revision Notes that make your Preparation easy. These notes can assist you in redacting your whole program for a few hours. Suppose you don't need to concentrate on the entire video lecture on a topic you already knew. In that case, you'll be in a position simply to scan the fast revision note to accelerate your Preparation.

  • Unlimited MCQs Practice (With Explanations)

TopGrade.Pk has unlimited MCQ bank with their explanations. You can attempt them after you have covered the topic.

  • Progress Tracking

TopGrade.Pk continuously keeps you updated with your progress. The system evaluates your preparation and shows it in the chart. This will help you calculate your preparation.

  • Live Doubts Discussion offers you a live discussion of questions around the clock. For each topic, there are different WhatsApp groups where you can ask teachers questions and interact with other students to share your questions.

  • Full-Length Practice Exams of GAT

Comprehensive practice exams are available that are similar to the real-time exam. This can give you excellent confidence once you show up for the actual exam. This will help you learn your readiness level and pace for each MCQ.

  • Webinars For Guidance

Dr. Muzzam Manzoor, CEO, and Co-Founder of TopGrade.Pk provides appropriate guidance to students through webinars when needed. Students can ask questions about their studies. You will be able to clear your doubts. These webinars will be yours during your preparation.

  • Up-to-date Content gives you the latest content. No matter how much the curriculum has changed, TopGrade.Pk will provide you with the updated content of the NUST entrance test

  • 24/7 Availability of Entire Content

The course offered by, and the corresponding WhatsApp groups are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no restrictions on using it at any time. You can watch so many video lectures, try so many questions, or read so many short reviews. Take notes as you can.

  • Lowest Fee Best Preparation

The cost is much lower compared to other academies. It is almost a tenth of the value of conventional academics. has made it possible for low-income students to prepare for this exam.

14. TopGrade.Pk's Line of Action for FAST Entry Test Preparation

Follow TopGrade's line of action during the GAT preparation with TopGrade.PK.

I. Lecture

First, listen to the relevant lecture on the topic of TopGrade.Pk website.

II. Book

After the lecture, now read that particular topic thoroughly from the book.

III. Revision Notes

Once you have watched the lecture and read from the book, it is time to revise that topic.

IV. Attempt Questions

After complete revision, attempt the questions related to the topic you have read and watched.

15. What Instructions to Follow on the Exam Day?

Prepare your test kit the evening before the exam. You should bring the material that you plan to get into your exam room, such as:

I. Pro Tips before exam night
  • Get enough sleep (at least 56 hours) before the exam night.
  • After bathing on the morning of the exam put on comfortable clothes.
  • Have a healthy breakfast and a cup of tea/coffee before leaving home on the day of the test.
  • Get to the exam room early and have a seat.
  • Stay away from others shortly before the test.
  • Don't expect to know everything in the test.
  • Remain relaxed and calm during the exam.

II. Guide to Better Time Management:

Remember, time management is a critical skill to pass your exam. Manage your time wisely.

  • Plan your time and pace accordingly.
  • Try the more accessible subjects first, then the more complex subjects, for example: try biology first. After you try biology, try chemistry, then physics, then English.
  • Answer the easy questions first, and then tackle the difficult ones. You can use the cycle strategy i.e.
1st cycle: Try more straightforward questions first, skip difficult questions (don't waste time on such questions). 2nd cycle: Try difficult questions. 3rd cycle: Try all remaining questions.

III. Instructions for Better MCQ Resolution:

Remember: The way you approach the MCQs in the exam room will hugely impact your score. So try MCQs wisely.

  • Be ready to read quickly and think for yourself.
  • Always have a backup plan. I.e., Plan A, Plan B, etc.
Plan A:

Read and get to know the statement (read the options and read again if it's not first notice). Solve the question and anticipate the solution. Find the answer and save it.

Plan B:

Solve backward.

Plan C:

Make an educated guess or jump and move on (skipping is usually not good).

  • Read all of the options before choosing the correct answer.
  • Pick the answer in the right place.
  • Change the answer if you have a reason (your first guess is usually correct).
  • Make sure you answer only the question asked, not the one you expected.
  • Do not leave any questions unanswered.

IV. Instructions for Creating a Guess:
  • If two responses seem to be equally correct, eliminate the response that looks least related to the question being asked
  • Opt for the only general answer once alternative decisions are specific and also the other method around.
  • Opt for the foremost extended answer when others are abundant shorter.
  • Opt for the answer with a median price when other answers are higher or lower.
  • Opt for neither of the similar answers.
  • Opt for one in every of two opposite answers.
  • Opt for the solution that agrees grammatically. For example: a, and AN = singular, are = plural.
  • Opt for the answer most relating to keywords at intervals the question or statement.
  • Opt for acquainted Vs. Unknown option.
  • Opt for the selection that sounds most rational to you. Avoid answers with absolutes in them. (E.g., always, never, ever, none, all, only, etc.)