How to Do Preparation in Pandemic Situation?
Preparation in Pandemic Situation

A Huge Uncertainty Regarding Papers Dates All Across Pakistan and the Best Way To Do Preparation For Entry Test At Home

It is not only a problematic situation for the students all across Pakistan but also the worst scenario ever in the history of Pakistan when everything is closed due to COVID-19.

Lockdown is imposed at every corner due to which people are restricted within the boundaries of their homes. Everyone is in danger of getting this deadlier disease.

When school, colleges and academies are closed, what a student can do?

The education sector has been affected severely as all institutions are closed until undefined time. Now students are worried about their exams and upcoming entry tests like MDCAT and ECAT.

Now from where the students continue entry test preparation?

Most of the students are self-paced and need proper guidance and learning material to prepare for their exams and entry tests. Students who really wish to get to excel in every exam don’t waste a single minute.

Our young generation is the future of Pakistan, and it must not be affected at any cost.

In other words, these are the students who are infected adversely, even without physically infected by COVID-19. So, what to do now?

Online Entry Preparation at Home

In the situation where a single person’s movement is prohibited, it’s impossible to go to the academy or consult a teacher for home tuition. The only way to continue your preparation is to do it at home. Now the problem arises that without the consultancy of teachers, it is very difficult to prepare for the entry test.

But don’t worry!

You can make the best use of time by joining online entry test preparation at Here, you’ll get complete access to video lectures, revision notes and a question bank for practising thousands of questions.

Are You Confused About F.SC Papers and Entry Test Dates?

Most of the students are worried about F.SC and entry test exam dates as there is no confirmation about it yet. Govt. has not announced any schedule to reopen schools and colleges. But there is a possibility of lockdown extension.

Let me tell you the best remedy in this situation. I am 100% sure that by adopting it, you can do the best in the worst scenarios. You need to be geared up for any situation. If not in June, exams might be held in July or August. So, go with the flow preparing the best for your annual as well as entrance examinations.

Why wait for the colleges or academies to reopen to get yourself prepared when everything is available online?

If you have decided to take rest in these days and will start preparation after some days when the lockdown will over, then you are just spoiling your future.

When we look at the other side of the picture, this lockdown is more beneficial for competent students. As you all are bound to stay at home 24/7, you can study as much as you want. If you sleep for eight hours, you still have got enough time to study.

So, utilize maximum time in studying your relevant syllabus. Choose a vigilant platform like to prepare for your F.SC and entry tests while sitting at home.

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